Wow, all I can say is that, important information just keeps coming, and it’s nice to see fellow Alumni their families and friends who are serious about the absolute survival of our people. The Disaster Preparedness workshops are thought provoking and the different topics very interesting I enjoyed learning how to forage for and prepare wild edible plants as well as the information regarding emergency pack’s and bags.

FAFRC & Workshops
May 2010 to the Present
Charlottesville, VA.


It’s me;
Just wanted to thank you for the wonderful
experience i had. I respect your ability to get the job completed.
You are one beautiful sister. Thanks so much. It’s a pleasure to
know you.

peace and love

FAFRC & Workshops
May 2012
Balitmore, Maryland


Come, join our next encampment, and learn indoor and outdoor Survival Training Skills.
Don’t let disaster catch you and your family unprepared. The Time to Prepare is Now